Chrome OS memory management…

I’ve been running my Chromebook with the “don’t discard tabs” flag (chrome://flags) enabled for over a week, and I am much happier. I have the memory monitor enabled (also in chrome://flags), and it lets me decide when I need to close some tabs or restart to free up memory, rather than having Chrome decide for me when to discard tabs, and tossing ones I don’t want to toss. I highly recommend both enabling the memory monitor and turning on “don’t discard tabs” for anyone with an ARM Samsung Chromebook…

I’ve not experienced any “he’s dead Jim” tab crashes, so the stability has been good (but I do restart when memory drops below 100MB free usually). Just saw that the beta channel is updated to 25.0.1364.87 today, so we’ll see if things continue their improvement…

2 thoughts on “Chrome OS memory management…

  1. Carlos Diaz

    I am fed up with that “He’s Dead Jim Tab” Please tell me how I can implement the changes that you have done to address memory constraints within Chrome.

    I have enabled swap and I even tried cache memory to an SD card but still having problems when too many tabs are opened.

  2. joel Post author


    In the two years since I wrote this post much has changed with ChromeOS. ChromeOS a has gotten much better about memory management. However, the biggest thing is still overall amount of memory. My daily Chromebook is an Acer that I upgraded to 6GB and that totally eliminated my memory problems…


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