I’ve badly neglected this blog, with no posts since spring 2019. But heck, let’s put up a fishing post!
I met Sam at Clearwater Lake near Chapel Hill on Sunday December 5th for one of our 2 annual Clearwater fishing days. It’s a winter fishery only, as central NC is too warm to keep trout all year. The TU chapter stocks it a couple of times, starting in November. You reserve a slot ($45 per day) and there are 8 or 9 fishermen. Sam and I like to fish the dock so we can talk and catch up with each other while we fish.
The fishing is always good but the catching can be tough sometimes. This is not always easy fishing. But we’d had a few days of warm weather and the fish were on their feed. Each of us caught 15-20 nice rainbows, strong and feisty. Caught many on Sam’s well tied wooly buggers, then switched to Chunky Chernobyls with Sweet Things as a dropper.