So, I’ve been pretty excited about Web 2.0, mashups, etc. Lots of cool stuff going on. However, I’ll also admit concern about the amount of unauthenticated content on the Web today, as well as the growing amount of noise, relative to meaningful information (i.e. the signal to noise ratio is going down). Blogging (such as this!) requires nothing but a bit of web space, and no knowledge on any subject, just the desire to make a statement which may have no veracity and be something that wouldn’t be said in polite society. I am a “first generation” webbie; I’ve been doing this web stuff since 1993, back when web servers were rare (only about 5000 when I put one up in November 1993, at UNC-CH where I was working at the time). I believe in civil discourse, and have been around long enough to try to live by “read twice, click once” so that you don’t consign things to the ether that you will regret. Anyway, with that intro, here’s that post from the Chronicle of Higher Ed, with a variety of interesting links…
Interesting post from the Chronicle’s wired campus blog…
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