I am seriously impressed with Texterity. I just converted my subscription to the Chronicle of Higher Education from print to digital. It only saved me about $10/yr, but I kept throwing out a lot of paper. I was concerned that I’d miss browsing through the hard copy, but having sat down today and read through the digital version on my iPad, I’m wondering why I didn’t switch earlier! Texterity is the vendor that the Chronicle selected to deliver their content, and the HTML5 content is fantastic. Fast, legible and intuitive. I was floored when I absent-mindedly used a “page flick” gesture and the page turned. Doh! The way it should work! Apparently there are a lot of magazines that use this technology but today was my first experience. I’ll be looking for other magazines in this format. Check out this Wikipedia article for more on Texterity.
Hi Joel,
Thank you for the kind words. Glad you’re enjoying the digital version of The Chronical of Higher Education. Have a great winter season.
– Your friends at Texterity
Hi Joel,
Glad to hear you are enjoying our products. I typically only hear bug reports. From one Dunn to another, thanks!