Sam and I met at Camp Clearwater for a day of trout fishing today. The local TU chapter puts 1,500 pounds of trout into the lake each year for a winter trout fishery (it’s too warm for them to reliably survive the summer). It was a cool, blustery day with temps dropping all day into the 40s on stiff northwest winds. However, that’s better than last weekend when the lake was frozen over!
We arrived at 9 (this is 9-5 fishing, with a TU lake warden in attendance) rigged up and started fishing. I tried a Chili Pepper, a copper colored wooly bugger. Sam used a black bugger. We went thru many flies and all around the lake with only one fish between us by lunch, a 10-inch largemouth I caught on a black bugger.
We ate lunch in the camp office, sitting by the heater. After lunch however, our luck changed. Sam and I each hooked several fish, all big fish, 16″ or better. I caught one that was easily 24″ long, and fat like a football. That one gave me quite a fight before Sam netted it.
We caught our fish on the Chili Pepper and small black buggers, exclusively.
Here’s a shot of Sam with a nice fish
It was a great day of fishing, catching and fellowship. Glad we have another day scheduled this season!