Wanted to get out of the house and enjoy some of the nice, summer-like weather. The dogs love to go swim in the lake, so Jan and I loaded up the boat with lounge chairs, the back of the truck with the dogs and headed out this morning. Just a quick trip, since there is so much boat traffic at Jordan Lake on holiday weekends, I like to get out early and back early. This is the first time out with the boat this year, and I had to work on some problems yesterday. The steering mechanism was rusted, so had to take it apart and grease it up. The biggest problem though is that the power tilt relay to move the motor “down” has failed. It was failing last summer, but would always work after hitting the switch a few times. I was actually pretty pleased with my outboard mechanic work, figuring out that it was the relay and not the tilt motor itself. I read a bit, and swapped the relays, and then the motor went down, pretty as you please. I just have to get a new relay by next weekend when I go to the lake with the Scouts. Today, I raised the motor up for trailering, then swapped the relay at the ramp to lower the motor, and then swapped them back so I could raise it when I got back to the ramp. The skeg cleared the ramp down, so it was OK. Worked, but a bit kludgey. I just need to find a PTT relay for a 1999 Tohatsu 40Hp outboard now 😉
A morning at Jordan Lake…
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